What Are the Best Strategies for Talking About Disparities?

What are the best strategies for talking about disparities?

This important question formed the basis of a recent research inquiry by the FrameWorks Institute, funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Specifically, FrameWorks set out to answer three questions:

  • Does talking explicitly about disparities between groups improve support for policies aimed at reducing racial inequity?
  • Does talking explicitly about discrimination in both the quality of and access to programs and services improve support for policies aimed at reducing racial inequality?
  • How does talking explicitly about disparities and discrimination compare, in terms of support for race-oriented policies, to using race-neutral values frames (such as Ingenuity, Interdependence, Opportunity for All)?

Talking About Disparities is a toolkit compendium of that inquiry – including the research reports, messaging recommendations, and applied tools for communicators. It is our hope that this toolkit can provide a communications roadmap for those attempting to garner support for racial-equity policies.

To access this toolkit, click here.